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at a low cost

happy employees

healthy workplaces

successful organisations

automated individual coaching for every employee

100% online or combined with skype sessions

with high return

through techniques that work

myCo@ch: the process


every 2 weeks

personal assessment

creating the


the sessions-sequence

12 learning pills /ca. 3 months


what does it cover?

myCo@ch: what does it cover?


personal & professional development

Sessions (learning pills) deal with topics like: communication skills, decision making, coping with stress,… adding techniques to the employee’s “toolkit”, with  more satisfied and productive co-workers as a result.



Mens sana in corpore sano. Some physical issues like insomnia, headaches, back pain and digestive issues, interfere directly with our daily routine. Your employees will go to the roots of these issues and learn effective techniques to find relief.

dealing with an issue


The initial assessment could 

result in an issue your employee might want to work on: excess of stress, exhaustion, burnout, depression, anxiety, insomnia, difficulties finding balance between work and private life,….

the process


people assessed




online sessions





Skype sessions



individual assessment
personalised selection of learning pills
proven results

how it works

Imagine a workplace where every single employee would have his/her personal coach. How would it affect wellbeing, motivation, employee turnover, productivity,…?



myCo@ch allows you to assess and provide personalized assistance 24/7 for every single employee at a very low cost. The myCo@ch platform is based  on proven techniques, expressed in validated tests and more than 70 modules, gathered in a unique way for every individual.

When necessary, a certified coach or psychologist complements the online process via Skype.



Every month you receive a detailed report, reflecting the state and progress of your workforce. With the yearly Wellbeing Survey, a complete scan of your organization is produced.


Click here to watch a video and know more about myCo@ch.


Ancla 1
wh to choose myCo@ch

why to choose myCo@ch?



The myCo@ch platform serves as a “gateway for change”. It allows a direct and guaranteed impact on the behaviour of the individual employee, which in turn will warrant an impact on both culture and productivity.


This impact, once the platform is in place, can be steered and fine-tuned by the HR management.





Burnout / Depression / Exhaustion

Psychosomatic symptoms



after 6 months of coaching

Engagement (motivation, vigour), has a considerable impact (21%, Gallup, 2017) on employee-productivity and health.

Substantial reduction in employee turnover: during the coaching process employees tend to stay at the company. Deloitte has found this, regarding mentorship click here.

after 6 months of coaching


Every employee-with-burnout costs the organization minimum 25.000 Euro (Securex, 2017). In sectors like banking and retail, we’ve found up to 30% of employees at risk of burnout.

Only 1 contact point/platform needed for individual assessment, development and "prevention".

for companies & their employees

increased engagement

key in employer branding

reduced stress-related issues

insights into areas of talent development and health risks

less employee turn-over

powerful tool for lasting change and transformation

improved on-boarding of new hires

moulding of company culture

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