register to coaching!

a course in which you gain knowledge & learn techniques
exercises in which you practice the techniques & apply them to your everyday life

100% online and combined with Skype sessions with a personal Coach
myCoach is an innovative e-Coaching program that provides the knowledge, techniques and tools to promote both yourprofessional and personal development. It also boosts your physical and mental well-being.
what can Coaching do for you?
In our program, you:

relax your body & mind

Learn relaxation techniques that will allow you to control both your body and mind, as well as to cope better with stress. These techniques include breathing techniques and Mindfulness.
become more assertive
Start a training in social skills andcommunication. Learn to be more assertive and stand up for your rights.

become more positive

Reflect on your thoughts and learn to identify and challenge them, and eventually, make them more positive and constructive.
get to know yourself better
Go through a personal growth process.
Improve your satisfaction with your current life.

make the most of yourself

Reflect on the things that you’d like to improve or change; and learn useful techniques such as problem-solving and decision-making.
boost your wellbeing
Reflect on the things that you’d like to improve or change; and learn useful techniques such as problem-solving and decision-making.